David & Cherie Felty
June 6, 2024

about the Event

We wanted to have a sense of safety from those Oklahoma tornados, so after living in Oklahoma for over 20 years we finally had a Flatsafe Tornado & Storm Shelter installed. We like the security of it being in the garage and out the extreme weather elements. From the initial visit to the store to the installation date, everyone was friendly and courteous. The installers left no mess to clean up and it was exactly what we asked for. In May 2010 we had to put our shelter to use. An F4 tornado was heading our way fast and furious. We literally had minutes to take cover. Our family and pets along with some neighbors and their pets hurriedly took cover. We felt extremely safe and sound in the confines of our shelter, and when the storm passed over us and destroyed our home and everything we’ve worked for, we hardly felt or heard anything from within.

We’ve heard the horror stories of debris and water filtering in those backyard shelters and we did not experience anything like that. Our shelter was intact and we were completely unharmed. The Flatsafe was easy to step down into and even easier to close and secure. Although our shelter was not damaged, our home was and it had to be removed along with the foundation. It was quite a fight getting it to come out of the ground, which reinforced our decision in purchasing this shelter.

We are thankful for Flatsafe Tornado Shelters to have provided us with such a quality product and there is no doubt that we will install the exact same thing in our new home. The folks at Flatsafe even took the time to ensure we were okay after the storm by calling us, which is awesome. Thank you for being there for us.

Yours truly, the Felty Family

What I didn’t realize was the tornado was hitting at that very moment, thankfully it was so quiet in the shelter I could barely hear the devastation happening around us. I had the TV radio on in the shelter and heard the weather man telling everyone our neighborhood had just been hit by a tornado, then I began to shake uncontrollably. I knew we were safe, but I was so worried about my neighbors, were they ok? I asked myself over and over, why hadn’t I done more to make sure they all had Flatsafes in their garage. I tried to call Myles to let him know we were ok, but I couldn’t get a call out, all the lines were down. About the time I was about to panic my son called me from Dallas. He could get a call in but I couldn’t get calls out.

Here’s the funny part…in the midst of the turmoil I secured the Flatsafe door with the safety chain and forgot to unlock it. So for several minutes I thought I was stuck. I was sure wishing I had paid more attention to the lecture on the lid winch. Thankfully our son Adam knew how to use it and was going to talk me through it over the phone. So…I figured I’d get out eventually. But honestly, let that be a lesson to everyone – listen to the instructions and don’t just assume you’ll remember how to work something in a crisis. At that moment I was lucky to remember my name.

Just about that time my neighbor, Phil M , came through the house searching for me. I heard him call my name, looked up and realized the safely chain was secured. I removed the safety chain and rolled back the door. I was glad to be out but what I saw next made me shake in my sneakers. My garage door was sucked into a V shape and debris was everywhere. Just a few feet outside the garage was a pile of rubble that used to be our next door neighbors home and the house across the street was merely a shell. At that moment I was so thankful Myles had purchased the Flatsafe. I was literally feet from a tornado that could have seriously injured me or Shadow. If it hadn’t been for the shelter we would have been in one of the spots in our home where glass and debris were flying. But, tucked in our Flatsafe we were safe and sound.

We want to testify to the quality, integrity, and professionalism of Flatsafe. From the sale, to the installation, to the actual usage of our shelter it was all flawless and we truly thank you for our Flatsafe. Blessings to you as you reach out to other potential homeowners. Our prayer is they will be wise like my husband and not foolish like me. Tornadoes are serious and you never know in Oklahoma when the weather may just spawn a doozy of a storm.

Please feel free to use our reference as needed – we love our Flatsafe!